Journal Archives - Angela Lucas Live the life you crave. Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:49:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 When nothing felt easy, and everything seemed impossible. Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:49:53 +0000 I used to be stuck in a constant state of frustration. Everywhere I looked, limitations and struggle marked my life. Nothing felt easy, and everything seemed impossible. And I was angry about that. I was angry at God for the hand He dealt me, and I had so many questions with no apparent answers- why [...]

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I used to be stuck in a constant state of frustration. Everywhere I looked, limitations and struggle marked my life. Nothing felt easy, and everything seemed impossible. And I was angry about that.

I was angry at God for the hand He dealt me, and I had so many questions with no apparent answers- why did I grow up on the ‘wrong’ side of town? Why didn’t I have the support and resources I needed to go back to school? Why was I surviving and not thriving? Why did I feel like I was destined for mediocrity when my heart longed for significance and accomplishment?

God, in His time, answered me. One day, as I was reading a book, I came across this scripture for the first time: The Lord will make you the head (leader) and not the tail (follower), and you will be above only, and you will not be beneath if you listen and pay attention to the commandments of the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 28:13)

In that moment, a light switch flipped on in my mind, and I realized that just because I came from the wrong side of the tracks and wasn’t as educated or as polished as I thought I needed to be, God could still use me in a big way. If I would just keep my eyes on Him and not on my circumstances, He would move me from the bottom to the top and from the back to the front. And He did just that.

I am proof that your circumstances don’t determine your life’s outcome; your beliefs about them do. 

When I stopped believing that my disqualifications and limitations had the power to hold me back from my dreams and decided to believe that God could and would fulfill my purpose, my circumstances began to shift.
Doors of opportunity opened, connections I needed were made, and accomplishments I never thought possible were achieved.

Be encouraged, my Queens, if you’re feeling stuck and frustrated with where you are in life right now. Where you are isn’t where you’re staying. Your current circumstances don’t get to determine how far you go in life-God decides that.
Believe that you are the head and not the tail, above only and never beneath, and soon enough that will be your reality.

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The key to courage Tue, 01 Dec 2020 16:58:02 +0000 I used to think that the secret to being brave was just to do the thing I was most afraid of doing. In my business, that's looked like putting my content out into the world and subjecting my work to judgment, criticism, and rejection. What I've learned, though, is that while taking action and doing [...]

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I used to think that the secret to being brave was just to do the thing I was most afraid of doing. In my business, that’s looked like putting my content out into the world and subjecting my work to judgment, criticism, and rejection.

What I’ve learned, though, is that while taking action and doing the thing you’re afraid of doing is right, it’s only half the secret to overcoming your fears and developing courage.

Action + Humility = Courage.

When I take action and put my work into the world without the humility to know that unless God blesses my work, it will not be blessed, I will always look for people to approve my work.

When I lack the humility to know that my work is to be of service and not self-promotion, I will always look to people to approve me.

When I don’t have the humility to understand that true success is doing what God called me to do, regardless of the outcome, I will stress myself out about how many people follow my work.

Humility untethers you from the false belief that you need to be perfect, approved, and liked by everyone in order to be successful and frees you to take action towards your purpose.

That, Queens, is real courage.

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Become confident in your ability to make the right decision Mon, 25 May 2020 16:53:27 +0000 The world has changed a lot in the past few weeks, and that forces us to make some changes, whether major or minor, in our own personal lives. Of course, we know that the only constant thing in life is change. We are wired to adapt and deal with change as humans and we usually [...]

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The world has changed a lot in the past few weeks, and that forces us to make some changes, whether major or minor, in our own personal lives. Of course, we know that the only constant thing in life is change. We are wired to adapt and deal with change as humans and we usually adjust relatively quickly.  So, what’s really the hard part about change then? 

Change often requires difficult decisions to be made, and made quickly. 

We’re now making decisions that we never have thought we’d have to make. Do I look for a new job? Should I go back to school for something else? Do I start a business during this pandemic? Do I shut down the business I already have?

Making hard decisions isn’t easy, especially when they affect more than just ourselves. We all  want to make the right decisions, have good outcomes, and avoid negative consequences of a wrong choice made. However, since we can’t possibly know all the unseen possibilities that could occur, we need to learn to make our decisions confidently and move forward, or stay stuck in dread, uncertainty and frustration. Queens, you know we don’t have time for that. 

Thankfully, there’s a way to become more confident in making your decisions. 

Choose to believe that God is fully behind you and is there to help you make the right and best moves for your life. He wants you to win. And because God is for you winning, it’s going to be really difficult for you to lose. 

Pray: “God, thank you that you always want me to win. Thank you for helping me to clearly see which choice I should make. In Jesus name. Amen.”

In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. ~Proverbs 3:6

Answer these questions in your journal: 

*If you knew you couldn’t make the wrong choice, which decision would you make? 

*If there would be no negative consequences for your decision what would you choose? 

*If there were no restrictions around your decision (money, time, resources) what decision would you make? 

*If you believed that you would be fully supported in your decision what would you do? 

What are you afraid of if you make that choice? Is it true? 

Follow Peace: God leads with peace. If you have an absence of peace about your decision, that’s a good indicator that something isn’t the right choice for you. Or, it’s not the right time.

Avoid confusing fear with lack of peace. You can be afraid, and underneath that fear is a knowing that even though you’re afraid, you are supposed to make that move anyway.

In your decision making process, always come back to the truth that you are fully capable and fully supported in this life. Whatever decision you make, when you keep God first, He will cause it to work out for your good.

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Need help fighting fear? Try this. Wed, 25 Mar 2020 06:26:36 +0000 We are all experiencing some degree of fear right now, whether that fear is that we’ll get the virus, that we’ll lose our job or run out of food, or that our business won’t survive the economic crisis. Whatever you fear at this moment, it’s absolutely valid. And, you’re not alone in it. We all [...]

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We are all experiencing some degree of fear right now, whether that fear is that we’ll get the virus, that we’ll lose our job or run out of food, or that our business won’t survive the economic crisis. Whatever you fear at this moment, it’s absolutely valid. And, you’re not alone in it.

We all struggle with fear no matter how much we work to lean on God in times of crisis. Uncertainty is a playground for fear even for the strongest among us. What I want to encourage you to do, however, is get active about fighting back fear and lack of faith that God is in absolute control. Fear grows like a weed, and you need to tend to your garden every hour.

One of the core beliefs that decided to have in my life is that God works all things out for my good. He made this promise to me and you (Romans 8:28). So even though it looks like the coronavirus stalled or prevented some of our plans, I’ve made a decision to believe that it’s all somehow working in my favor. I may not know how it’s working out in my favor, I just know that it is.

I want you to join me in a practice that will get us both active about fighting this fear that is determined to take us out. Grab your journal, a notepad, or a scrap sheet of paper and let’s do this.

First, we’re going to write down on paper what we’re afraid of. What is the recurring idea of catastrophe, loss, or sickness you’re battling? Write it down.

Second, find God’s promise to take care of that thing for you. If it’s fear of loss, take a look at Matthew 6:25-31: “Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.” Remind God of his promise to meet your needs. If you’re battling thoughts of catastrophe or sickness, remind God of this word in Psalm 91:10: “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.”

Now, I want you to take a look at how you’ve been living. Have you just been going through the motions of life? Have you really been living? Do you even want the job you’re afraid of losing?

This is your moment, Queen. The world is upside down, and when this world and this country escapes this crisis, it won’t be the same as it was. Now is your time to create your new reality. What will you build? What will you create? I’m not asking you to abandon what you have, only to consider what’s possible if you took advantage of this opportunity to recreate or change the direction of your life.

This crisis has changed many of us in a lot of ways, so why not go back into the world after this is over – instead of who you were and as the person you’ve always wanted to be? The person who is stronger, more skilled, and more well read.

A friend of mine, just last week, decided she was going to take this opportunity to launch her business, and she’s already booked. I know another Queen who’s been building a business in the health and wellness space, and her revenue went up 400% because of this crisis. It isn’t even about the money, but it is about recognizing the highest and best way you can be of service to the world in this moment.

Close your eyes and imagine the end of this crisis. See yourself employed or as a new business owner. See yourself performing the new skill you learned over the weeks you were sequestered in the house.

Now, speak your dream. Speak it every day. Give life to God’s promises and your dreams by using your voice. Mark 11:23 says, “I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.”

Winning against fear is a daily decision to not sit idly, to speak out against it, and to occupy yourself with God’s promises. Decide to believe that everything will be okay, that your needs are and will be met, and that somehow, some way God will work this out for your good.

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What’s more powerful than affirmations? Standing on Promises Fri, 07 Feb 2020 01:40:19 +0000 Affirmations have grown wildly popular in the last few years and for good reason. Words are extremely powerful and what we say impacts how our lives turn out. However, we were never created to stand on affirmations alone; we were created to stand on promises. I’m not saying don’t speak positively and affirm your life [...]

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Affirmations have grown wildly popular in the last few years and for good reason. Words are extremely powerful and what we say impacts how our lives turn out.

However, we were never created to stand on affirmations alone; we were created to stand on promises.

I’m not saying don’t speak positively and affirm your life because you absolutely should.  It’s a wonderful thing to start the day with affirmations like ‘I am strong’, ‘I am rich’, ‘I am healthy’. But how many of us really believe it after we say it? And, if we don’t believe it, our affirmations are little more than empty words.

Promises are much more powerful than affirmations.

A promise is a guarantee that one WILL do a particular thing, or that a particular thing WILL happen. Think of a promissory note from the bank. When you go to cash it in, you never need to doubt that the bank will have the money to pay you. You’re confident when you hand over that note that you will leave the bank with the money you went in to get. That they won’t cash the check likely never crosses your mind.

While we don’t have those kinds of guarantees with affirmations, we do have these guarantees with God’s promises to us.

God’s promises are His promissory notes that we can cash in by simply declaring and believing them.

How do we know that?

My word NEVER returns to me void but ALWAYS accomplished that which it was sent out to do. Isaiah 55:11

That means that when we speak His promises over our lives, they cannot fall to the ground as empty words. They must accomplish what they’ve been sent to do.

Knowing this gives us the confidence to expect that what we say will come to pass, instead of merely hoping it will.

Find a promise from God that fits your need and start declaring over your life. It’ll get to work accomplishing what you sent it out to do.

Here are a few of my favorite promises:

All things work together for my good Romans 8:28

The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against me will be defeated! Deuteronomy 28:7 (Amen to that one) ????????‍♀

I am the head and not the tail, above only and never beneath Deuteronomy 28:13

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What to do when you have multiple passions Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:14:08 +0000 You’re a multi-passionate, multi-talented Queen. You have a list of passions a mile long and you may be confused about which one you should pursue first. Because of this, you haven’t made a move on any of them. Here’s what you need to know: the longer you sit in inaction, the longer you’ll remain confused, [...]

The post What to do when you have multiple passions appeared first on Angela Lucas.

You’re a multi-passionate, multi-talented Queen. You have a list of passions a mile long and you may be confused about which one you should pursue first. Because of this, you haven’t made a move on any of them. Here’s what you need to know: the longer you sit in inaction, the longer you’ll remain confused, frustrated and unfulfilled. We can’t have that! God created you with a purpose and the sooner you get about the business of figuring out what that is, the sooner you can start living the meaningful, impactful life that you were created to live.

Choosing which passion you should pursue first isn’t easy, so I have developed this plan of action to help you identify which to go after first. Don’t worry, just because you choose one now doesn’t mean you have to forever neglect your other passions. In fact, the sooner you identify and take action on your primary passion, the sooner you can go after those other dreams!

[cp_modal id=”cp_id_04937″]Click to get the FREE downloadable PDF now[/cp_modal]

Don’t miss my FREE webinar on finding your purpose when you have multiple passions.

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When I changed this one bad habit my life up-leveled FAST! Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:28:35 +0000 Are you doing everything you can to change your situation but still feel like you’re stuck? As hard as you try, and every time you feel like you’ve gained a little momentum, it’s like something always kicks you back to square one. I’ve been at that place so many times in my life, but when [...]

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Are you doing everything you can to change your situation but still feel like you’re stuck? As hard as you try, and every time you feel like you’ve gained a little momentum, it’s like something always kicks you back to square one.

I’ve been at that place so many times in my life, but when I finally figured out what kept holding me back from up-leveling, the whole game changed for me. I want you to learn what I learned so that you can go from where you are to where you want to be.

I had to learn to stop complaining.

The Hebrew definition of complaining means to lodge, to stay overnight. When you complain about something, you prolong your stay at that horrid hotel. The negative situation you’re in lasts longer as you continue to speak negativity.

Complaining is detrimental to your success. 

When you complain you are declaring that you have no power to change your circumstances. However, Queen, the power to change your external environment starts with changing your internal environment. What we often overlook is the realization that doing that ‘clean up’ work requires taking authority over our thoughts and our mouths. Complaining robs us of our leverage. 

You’ve probably heard the story of the children of Israel would didn’t enter the promised land God had promised them because all they did was complain. What if complaining is the thing that stands between you and the promises of God in your life? He promised to give you the desires of your heart. What if the whining you’re doing about your current situation is exactly what’s keeping your success from happening?

When He created us, He designed us with the power to speak what we want to see rather than what we do see. So, God never intended for us to make a fuss about our situation. The children of Israel never experienced the good life God had planned for them because they couldn’t stop focusing on what was wrong in their lives long enough to look up and see what they could have instead. 

Queens don’t complain. We create. Begin to use your words to create what you do want in your life. You were made in the image of God and He said to call those things that be not as though they were. Stop talking about what you don’t want and start talking about what you do want. From there, see if your situation doesn’t improve. See if the areas where you were once stuck don’t start to shift. 

You were created with the power to create the life you crave

Using your words to create is one of the 5-step creation process we dive deep into in the Create the Life You Crave Workshop. Grab your seat today!

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I had the perfect opportunity for revenge, but I didn’t take it. Why you shouldn’t either. Mon, 09 Sep 2019 07:50:48 +0000 You’re ready for a change and to go to the next level. You’re tired of operating in someone else’s boundaries that limit you from maximizing your full potential. You know you were made for more than what you are doing now and you’re ready to step into it. You’re done following and you know this [...]

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You’re ready for a change and to go to the next level. You’re tired of operating in someone else’s boundaries that limit you from maximizing your full potential. You know you were made for more than what you are doing now and you’re ready to step into it. You’re done following and you know this is your moment to lead. In order to step into your greatness and lead, however, you’ve gotta let go of negative toxic energy, especially unforgiveness.

There’s nothing that will stop the flow of your success and leveling up faster than holding onto a grudge. I know how difficult that is to do, when someone has done you wrong, talked about you behind your back, and hates on you for seemingly no reason at all,  it’s natural to want to pay them back, but don’t. Not because they don’t deserve it, they might, but because your purpose is too great to let unforgiveness block you from your destiny. You’ve got dreams to make happen, people to teach, a life you crave to create and you don’t have time to let anything or anyone stop you. 

I had the opportunity for revenge recently. A woman who unjustly slandered my character had applied for a position that I had some decision making power over. She was well qualified for the role, but it would’ve only taken a simple ‘no’ from me, and she would’ve been out. However, I knew that if I did that I would only be blocking myself from future opportunities that will come my way. I knew that whatever we do to other people, whether they deserve it or not, always comes back. So, I decided to keep my karma flowing in the positive direction and gave my blessing. 

Winning happens on a high-frequency, so you have to work to keep yours high. Sometimes this will require you to look past your own desires for retribution. To elevate your level, keep your energy positive, toxic free and let God fight the battles you so desperately want to fight.

You gotta let it go, Queen. Your purpose is too big and your destiny is too great to let them hold you down.


CRAVE 090319

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Turn your failures into your expertise Thu, 05 Sep 2019 13:05:08 +0000 I met a woman recently who followed her dream of opening a salon, but unfortunately it didn’t work out. She now thinks that because she failed at her first business venture she doesn’t have the qualifications to teach other women how to build a business. What she doesn’t realize is that because of her failure [...]

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I met a woman recently who followed her dream of opening a salon, but unfortunately it didn’t work out. She now thinks that because she failed at her first business venture she doesn’t have the qualifications to teach other women how to build a business. What she doesn’t realize is that because of her failure she actually is one of the most qualified people to teach on this subject. The most valuable information you can give someone starting a new venture is WHAT NOT TO DO and what to watch out for. All of us want to avoid failure if we can, and we’d rather learn from someone else’s mistakes than to make our own. So if you know what not to do, then perhaps you know what TO do.

Now take that experience and begin to teach others what you’ve learned. Help them avoid your costly, regrettable mistakes. You’re way more valuable when you help your audience steer clear of potential pitfalls than you are when you just show them your success. 

 Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a part of success. 

We are all in need of guidance and mentorship. Thus, there will always be a teacher and a student. Be bold enough to assume the role of teacher. You don’t have to be perfect or have it all figured out before you share your wisdom with the world. Yes, there will be people who question your authority and credibility to teach, but don’t pay those people any mind. Remember: The critics don’t count.

Be confident in your experience. You know what you know. Start providing practical, helpful applicable advice and soon you’ll have plenty of students learning from you.   

“When you learn, teach.”

The post Turn your failures into your expertise appeared first on Angela Lucas.

How is that you have friends but you’re still lonely? Wed, 28 Aug 2019 09:00:03 +0000 How is it that you have a great group of friends but you still feel lonely? You hang you out with them, have a couple of drinks, some good laughs and decent conversation, but the next day you still wake up feeling isolated.  You’re a woman with a purpose and a big dream. You want [...]

The post How is that you have friends but you’re still lonely? appeared first on Angela Lucas.

How is it that you have a great group of friends but you still feel lonely? You hang you out with them, have a couple of drinks, some good laughs and decent conversation, but the next day you still wake up feeling isolated. 

You’re a woman with a purpose and a big dream. You want to make an impact in this world and change lives, so you need people to talk through those dreams with. You need women who will help you dream even bigger than you already are – women who will help you strategize on how to make it happen and are courageously following their dreams too. They understand how scary it is to be out there, so they can speak life into your soul from a place of common ground. These are women who will inspire you to rise higher, they aren’t just the girls you kick it with.

Many successful people can remember the moment the trajectory of their lives changed from going nowhere to going somewhere. Often, that moment involved a mentor, someone who spoke into their lives and made them see things in themselves they didn’t know was there.

For where you’re going, you’ll need people that SEE the better life inside of you and call it out. They wake up the sleeping giant.

You need a friend who will remind you of what God says about you – that you are His 

masterpiece and the apple of His eye in those times when you’re feeling insecure and defeated. 

How do you find your people – the women I’ve described above? Start moving in the direction of your purpose.

What I’ve discovered is that God has the right people lined up along the path of your journey who will help you reach your destiny. They’re along the path, not sitting around waiting to be found so YOU have to get moving in order to find them. These people will open up doors of opportunity for you and connect you with even more of the right people. But as long as you are staying stagnant and not taking action towards your destiny, you’ll never meet them. 

You were not designed to walk your purpose out alone. You need people – the right people on your side. Your current squad is who they need to be in your life, but you also need more. 

God’s got connections on the road in front of you waiting to help you reach your destiny. 

Need a little help figuring out what your purpose is? You should read this!

The post How is that you have friends but you’re still lonely? appeared first on Angela Lucas.
