Recently at coffee, a client who used to have a high-profile career, was sharing with me course ideas she wanted to teach to women who are in her former line of work. She’d learned secrets that she knew would be valuable – and, by offering these courses, she might help women thrive in that industry. I asked her why she hadn’t started yet and she replied, “People don’t really support you like that here”. “What?!” I thought to myself. “What would make you think that?”

She wasn’t helping anyone by holding onto the false belief that she wouldn’t be supported.

What’s worse is if she’s feeling this way, then women living in small towns like us everywhere might be feeling this way too. And if that’s true, we’re missing out on a lot of valuable wisdom.

Unfortunately, I realized, women aren’t starting on their dreams simply because of where they live. They feel limited by their environment.

Whether you live in Toledo, on a remote island or in Timbuktu, if you have something valuable to say and create momentum around it, people will show up to listen! 

YOU have something to say, and we need to hear it. What you have to say has value. People will pay you for what you know.

If you’re ready to get started, here are the first four things you need to do if you want to land your first speaking role.


Tip #1: Don’t play small, a lot of people need what you have. You’re cheating yourself and the many that will follow you by not speaking up, not showing up, and not putting yourself out there. Go big: schedule your first class, apply to speak at that conference, hire your coach. Go!

Tip #2: Set your expectations properly. Are you going to become a movie star while you live in Omaha, Nebraska. It’s highly unlikely. But, you could become star of an indy film or produce a low budget short worthy of Sundance and use that small win to position you for bigger wins. So in your small town, don’t despise the day of small beginnings. The goal is to build momentum. So master your craft at the Sheraton and get ready for the big stage!

Tip #3: Change how you describe yourself online. Edit your profile descriptions on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin to reflect how you see yourself. You don’t need permission from some “authority” to be a speaker before you’re allowed to call yourself one. The title police aren’t coming. There are no gatekeepers. Take control of your own narrative. Are you a speaker or aren’t you? Be brave enough to wear what you are INSIDE on the OUTSIDE. Confidently declare to the world that you ARE a speaker, you ARE an entrepreneur, and you ARE a teacher!

People will whisper  “Who does she think she is?” and “When did she become a speaker?”. Queen, keep your head up high and remember you’re doing something that demands courage. Small minds will never understand that. 

Take your experience, your knowledge, your research and boldness and GO.

Tip # 4. Be consistent with your content. Your posts on social media need to clearly and consistently remind your audience of who you are and what you’re about. Your goal is to make sure that when people are looking for a speaker in your area of expertise, Y-O-U are top of mind because you showed up consistently and made yourself synonymous with your area of expertise.
