If you’re waiting to get your life together before you start a blog, write your book, teach your class about something you’re passionate about, or record your vlog and change the world — you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life.

Nobody has it all together – even the people you see out here doing it.

Don’t fall into the trap of living below your potential because you don’t think you have it together enough to put yourself out there.

When I started blogging, I couldn’t string a sentence together. But, I’m improving at what I do, and learning to ask for help when I need it.

You too will also learn how to use the help around you.

The key is to take what you have and make the most of it. Put your gift and your message out into the world. And then keep doing it consistently.

When you feel that you don’t have all you need at this moment, don’t let that stop you from at least getting started. Something magical happens when you step out with the less-than-perfect. What you thought you were missing somehow shows up – or, you realize you never needed it anyway.

You have to leap. Nothing will happen until to you move.

Some of what you put out there will strike a cord, and some of it won’t. That’s ok. Don’t get discouraged if the results aren’t yet what you hoped they would be; your only work right now is to stay focused on your goal. Keep your internal dialogue right, keep your vision in front of you, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Sometimes it feels like everyone has it all together but you – especially the people you hold as examples of where you want to be, but you have to remember that God uses imperfect people. The only qualification you need to secure your dream is the courage to do what you know you were born to do.

Every pro was a beginner once, and every expert started from square one. You’ll get better as you go along. Everything you need to get started you already have. It is in you and around you. Your Creator did not put the dream inside your heart and then leave you without the resources to make it happen. He’s got you. Trust the process.

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